Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dr. Rita Louise/Medical Intuitive

You could have heard a pin drop when Forest told my relatives that he had stopped taking his medicine. "But you're a diabetic!"someone shouted. "No, not any more," he said. "I quit eating so much late at night and I lost fifty pounds so the doctor took me off the medicine." He had taken his health into his own hands by making a few changes. Too many people are overly medicated. Still, I love doctors. I loved them when they pieced my friend back together after her car accident, I loved them when they delivered my children and I loved them when they sewed my husband's fingers back onto his hand after an accident. But there is a fine line that we shouldn't cross and that is to pop a pill for every ailment. What if you could get to the source of your disease by tapping into your emotional thought patterns first? Billions of dollars per year are now being spent on alternative medicine.

Dr.Rita Louise ( is one of many gifted medical intuitives who are working with people to bring the body, mind and spirit into balance. You can listen to the interview on Conscious Living ( She spoke about the damaging affect of fear on our bodies. Rigid thinking can cause problems in the neck and jaw area.

Fear is the thief of our dreams...

I remember getting a terrible sore throat and losing my voice after I had agreed to have an open house with someone I didn't get along with. Or accidentally cutting my thumb after having said yes to everyone. (the thumb in palm reading shows our flexibility and amount of kindness)

Cutting it was a wakeup call to say no more often. Listen to your heart and may you live a healthy, wealthy and wise life!

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