Sunday, January 25, 2009

Name It and Claim It/Helene Hadsell

"And even the wind held its breath, wondering which direction the wish would land. No outside voices were allowed until the arrow hit its target, making all night fairies sing or cry, depending on the wish."
Sandy J.

There is a law that states, what goes around, comes around and carries with it a warning, "be careful what you wish for". If you look at the things in your life, it will come as no surprise that chances are, you spoke it first. I had the pleasure of listening to Helene Hadsell speak on Conscious Living about this exact thing. She's the woman who has won every contest she's entered, even a house!
One of my favorite interviews so far, get her book and start naming and claiming your life! Wendy has booked her back for March 18th. (Conscious Living)

How do you make it happen? Set a clear intention, speak the words and wait for the will of Heaven. I wish someone would have told me this back in the day. The day when an entire summer passed and I teased Paul who was going to be a freshman in high school that I was coming on enrollment day with no front teeth to embarrass him. The words had been spoken, set into motion and sure enough it happened! I broke my front tooth the day before enrollment. My dentist was booked and I had no choice but to pay for book fees without my tooth. I had tried to make a fake tooth with my clay but the nerve was exposed which made it painful to the touch. Ironically, I had also said how I wished my front side tooth was straight for a meeting with someone that month. It had gotten crooked because of wisdom teeth. Well, the dentist replaced the tooth, perfect and straight. Wish granted. Our words are like arrows and will hit their mark better if we name it and claim it without hesitation.

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