Years ago, Julia Cameron came to Kansas City to lecture about her book, "The Artist's Way." Her take was slightly different. She said to do it all! Sing, paint, write, anything that moves your spirit. During intermission, she took out a large black bag with paper and since I stayed in my seat, she proceeded to sketch my face. Pencil flying, no erasing, eyes meeting mine, poof, she was finished. I didn't dare move and watched as she put the picture into her bag. She looked refreshed as though she had just gone on a run.
So which do you choose? None of my clay characters would have made it into this world if I had been rich at the time. The desperate need of buying a new hot water heater made me look at sugar in a different way, so I made sugar eggs and wedding cakes. When the ice storm left my family cold for eight days with no electricity, my hands became the most magnificent swan on a candlelit wall with a sad dog as it's friend. (book to follow)
Recently, Paul McCartney said he felt the internet has crushed creativity and that it should be shut down for five years. Five years! I think he's on the right track. Before cable tv, I was painting until sometimes 3 am but have lost my "oomph". The ability to buy whatever I need is another curve ball. We should all simplify, take a walk in nature and wait for all beautiful songs to come. Maybe a little materialistic purging would then kick start our creative juices. Good luck to all aspiring artists! May your focus be my inspiration.
Paul Dorrell, author "Living The Artist's Life"
Julia Cameron, author "The Artist's Way" www.theartist'
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