Friday, April 11, 2008

Like Road Rage

Sick. That's how my stomach feels, sick. Ironically, our society is so gifted by the click of a mouse and "poof" we are speaking with someone from across the world. Click away and we suddenly have strangers who want to be our friends. Then you witness brutal fights that teenagers are posting online and I want to vomit. We text message like crazy and don't come to the front door to meet parents and then wonder why we aren't being trusted.

Young men are telling me they can't find women. Since when? Oh, since women started "shopping" for perfect men online and vice versa. We need to stop this so called road rage. Step out of the house and connect in person. Who cares if it's only one and not 3,000 myspace peeps.

In walks Leif Hanson. Young, handsome and motivated. His mission is to help us find the balance between technology and inner peace. His website is:
You can listen to the podcast at

I know it's comforting when I was lost somewhere on Douglas Street in Missouri to mapquest myself home from my telephone. Or to find recipes online for chalupas without having to buy the cookbook. But I also remember the feeling of a love letter delivered by snail mail. Books in my hand where I underline sentences and best of all, the warmth in my heart when someone in the room gives you a smile.

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