Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The entire class of girls received a standard piece of thin paper with the usual words, " be mine," placed in a small envelope that didn't stay shut with our first name written on the front. Except Becky. Beautiful Becky with the long strawberry blond hair who laughed at anything the boys would say. She was handed an envelope that was three times the size of mine, store bought from Hallmark and given with a "special" look. My first taste of jealousy, on the fourteenth day of February! What was so special about Becky, and where was my special look?
I'm not alone wondering about this riddle we call love. I saw it everywhere today. Restaurants were packed and so were stores. Men stood paralyzed in front of card isles as though their life depended on the right choice and I listened to several women complaining about their men. Last week, the new movie, "He's Not Into You" came out with advice for women to learn what makes men tick. There is also a new book written by Cerina Vincent and Jodi Lipper, titled, "How To Love Like A Hot Chick" (
Conscious Living) They recommend it's all about confidence. Mixed message I say! Especially if you've seen the movie first. Although I agree with having confidence, I don't agree that is what will win the man. I say it's easier than that. We all want to be noticed, to be understood. Why not try to "see" the "special" in someone instead of the hyped romance the advertisers try to sell. Our confidences can only grow through love. Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. We went to some friends' party that focused on the KU-KSU basketball game. I'm sure the guys thought that this was a sufficient Valentine celebration, since KU won!
