Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Barter/Part One

It all started as a rush job. Could I paint the kitchen in one week to look like a Tuscan home? Of course, that's my specialty, never mind that the colors of choice were taupe and lighter taupe, it could be done. The ceiling and walls took two coats and then the walls were glazed. The one of a kind original grape vine stencil took four hours to draw and cut. Dry wall compound was added over the stencil and then carefully removed for a 3-d look. Mary's house was a mess! She hadn't had a refrigerator in months and her son Ryan was coming with his new girlfriend all the way from Belgium. The raised relief stencil was hand painted and shaded. Things were on schedule.

This is usually the time when the emotions get out of control. Mary wanted things the old way so she took a week off work to spend with her son. There were field trips planned and even Zoe, the faithful family dobberman had cheated death and regained her health.

I've never seen Mary so happy. She paid me with a one week time share for my family, we're friends, that's the way we accept payment sometimes. I waited two weeks to call her, ooh, she wasn't going to take off work the next time. Things didn't go exactly as she had planned, probably because there was a new girlfriend involved. Well, that wasn't going to happen to me! My week at the lake with my family was going to be great!

The Barter/Part Two

Some of us packed light, some of us packed for a year. The drive to the lake took three hours. I was elated, it was Mother's Day and I was probably going to get alot of presents. We had just enough chairs around the table for a sit down homemade meal and I had brought groceries from home. Long story short, there weren't any presents, we ate out everyday and swimming and golf was more important than coffee on the deck with me. Just like my friend Mary, I wanted things the way they used to be, where the boys drank apple juice instead of beer. Where they wanted to stay up late and tell scary stories instead of leaving to go out on the town.
On the way home, I couldn't help but laugh at the new way. Living in the past is why we keep photo albums. I learned new things. Not all of us are Democrats and some of us mispronounce shoe companies.
"is it E-lection or L-ection?"
Did you know Adidas (adeedas) is supposed to be "Ahhdeedas"?
Obladee Obladah life goes on....

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