Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thought Forms

Darn it, Bernie Mac died. There was just something about him that I liked. When I heard about his death it didn't feel right to me. Taken too soon, geeze he was only fifty. My first thought went to his possible cigerette smoking because the paper said he had lung problems. Then I blamed his weight and imagined the steaks he must have enjoyed with booze. Still, I loved his elegance and smoothe "hey baby" way. This morning while I was reading the Sunday paper, I noticed an article about Bernie saying how he had caught flak from his brand of comedy during a surprise visit at a July fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. He was heckled and rebuked by Obama's campaign. That was just a few weeks ago.

That must have felt awful for him and I'm sure he tried to hide his feelings through his tough exterior. But it did matter. Can someone actually be embarrassed to death? I'm serious. Our thoughts create so much of our reality and there are new books being written that talk about this in depth. "Flat earth medicine" is a term I like. Louise Hay (
writes about the spiritual reasons of illness such as lungs representing tears that need to be shed. If you're having trouble speaking up for yourself and then wake up with a sore throat, maybe it's time to say what you need to say.

There's a great story about two mice who fell into a well and were so afraid of dying. The other mice came to see what was going on and noticed the two below so they started shouting, "die! die!" The younger mouse who could hear very well lost his will to live and when he heard the words, "die!die!" he did exactly that. The older mouse who had partial hearing started jumping higher and higher. All the while, the mice at the top of the well kept shouting, "die!die!" and he tried harder until finally he was out of the well. They looked surprised when he hugged and thanked them for telling him to "try! try!".

You can say Bernie had it coming. That he shouldn't have cracked jokes to the wrong crowd, part of the business, or that he had bad lungs. I say it's opened my eyes to the subtle energies that exist with the power of our voices. If our thoughts do create our reality, I'm going to pay attention, speak kinder, avoid judgement and eat more greens.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thoughts and words do shape our feelings! I was always fascinated about the actors who became their characters so they could feel and act the way their characters would. Also, I enjoyed the Guy Finley post, too. I never thought about the fact that thinking takes you out of the present moment. Although, sometimes I feel that when I'm thinking about something I'm two places at once, so I get more bang for my buck. Cathy Sherman
